Friday, May 20, 2011

From the diary of James of the Dark Acolytes:

I have found them. It ends today. Justice will be done for Stephen and Methuselah.
I have learned so much in the last few weeks. My world is upside down. I shall no longer cling to hopes of love and peace. Justice shall be what I seek. My new companions have agreed to help me set a trap for the murderer and his cohorts. We shall take them by surprise, deep in the forest.

Darkness guide my blade.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lilian, the..staff dancer?

With our new evil ways, we were instructed to go scope out the defenses of a small town. In order to keep my staff with me, due to heavy security, i pursuaded the guard i was a staff dancer! So wierd..

Once in the city we all had fun shopping about. Bill and I went to Baker's street for some bread and pastries. It was very good.

I then heard Deorita calling my name..when i arrived he had me dance for a store owner to lower his price... I didn't do very well..but he still lowered his price. I was kind of embarrassed.

But anyways. We looked about the city. Pretty heavily guarded. So we made our way back to camp, had supper, and slept the night.

In the morning we continued on back to the base. We had alot of trouble crossing the river... My dear Bill almost drowned! But we all worked together to get everyone acrossed.. I'm glad Thadeus was there for me.

After our river ordeal.. We were..ambushed? Everyone but me and Deorita fell into a purposely placed hole! These, ape-like creatures came from the trees and chucked stones at us! They were in the trees and seeing as how i couldn't use my staff, i threw stones back at them....

We scared them off pretty quick, and everyone got out of the hole, and we're on our way again.


The Book of Light

"... for the Light will reward us for living for the greater good. We must offer grace nd compassion to all we come into contact with. When our society is all united in following the way of the Light, we will be richly rewarded with peace and prosperity. 
     This Land can be renewed, darkness and violence will not prosper in the face of many acolytes for peace. Surely, we must think of others first, for selfishness is the root of many evils we can see around us. Societies crumble, relationships break in the face of greed. 
    So be vigilant my brothers. Give, and give always. The Light shall renew this land."

(an excerpt from "The Book of Light" by Mephir Sol of the Licarda)